Calling Tools

Step 1:
Take Care Of Yourself

Personal Wellbeing 

To pursue a meaningful vocation, it is important to ensure we are coming to the pursuit primarily from a sense of wellbeing. Positive well-being has a clear link with good career outcomes, equipping you to put your ideas into action. 

Consider the following themes that are shown to have impact on your personal well-being.

  • Get adequate rest and eat healthy food as is possible. These provide the foundation of healthy living, although they are often ignored. 

  • Stay active. Daily exercise (even when it's a walk to get somewhere) and fresh air (sunlight!) help to clear one’s thinking and give new perspective.

  • Connect with people and community. Nurturing healthy relationships, and being part of a supportive community that will encourage you in your calling in life, boosts self-esteem and gives you connections for a more successful career outcome.

  • Keep learning. Developing new interests or hobbies, reading good literature keeps the mind active. 

  • Practice Spiritual Disciplines. Morning meditation, reading, journaling, prayer and fasting, crying if necessary (!), builds inner calm and readiness to face the day. "Cast all your cares on him, for he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

  • Give. Reaching out to help others in kindness boosts our sense of self-esteem

  • Plan Ahead. Having a good sense of structure for your week (what's achievable and within your control) helps to reduce anxiety from one day to the next. 

  • Keep Reasonable Expectations of yourself, and encourage your support community to do likewise.


 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

— Jeremiah 29:11-13 

“If you want a full life, you have to give up whatever addiction you might have to comfort, to not rocking your boat, and to avoiding the feelings of fear and uncertainty that are always one’s companion on journeys outside the safety of the daily routine. A passionately lived life is not always comfortable. Going for it involves being open to all of life: the joys, the sorrows, the mundane, as well as the magic, the splendid victories, the most abject defeats.” 

— Nicholas Lore, The Pathfinder

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